Over 2,000 Win Rewards on Livestream Airdrops Last Monday
Last Monday, AToken partnered with Bloctienao do the livestream on Facebook and gave away up to 2,000 USDT to winners. There has been nearly 10 thousand of people join in the airdrop and hand in the required information since it started on March 30th. After the careful screening and checking, 2135 attendees are confirmed to win rewards. Congratulations for these lucky guys.
The airdrop will end up in advance at 9 pm today and we will send the reward to wallet addresses of 2135 winners on 7pm, April 22nd (UTC+8).
Much appreciated for all attendees.
Users who miss the airdrop can join in the long-lasting campaign of signing in to win 10 USDT here or other online campaigns later.